Many people ignore the change of the toenails, under-estimation of the potential dangers. Onychomycosis (scientific name fungal nails) is not a flaw, but a medical Problem. The constant susceptibility to toxins that the fungus produces, leads to a chronic poisoning of the body. As a result – increased fatigue, weakness, disorders of the immune system. Not to mention that the mushroom see affected nails aesthetically and disgust for the other.

How dangerous is onychomycosis?
Itching, burning and discomfort in fungal lesions of the skin provoked by contact of the Epidermis with mycotoxin contamination. This is foreign to the human body of toxic substances have properties that cause inflammation and interfere with the metabolism of the skin cells.
In the case of lesions of the nail plate, such symptoms may be less pronounced. Unpleasant itchy sensations occur only in advanced cases, when the mushroom "you get" to the tissue under the nail plate. The fungus lives in the nail and propagated, highlighting the poison into the surrounding tissue. The body is suffering from the poisoning, just the toxins coming in to him in smaller quantities, than when dermatomikoze.
Onychomycosis starts accompanied cracking and damage to the skin around the nail is the gateway for other infections. Perhaps the emergence of wounds and suppuration is, don't attack Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus Aureus are excluded. A long coexistence with the fungus, the onycholysis – the complete destruction of the nails. The new plate will not regrow, so that the surface of the fingers unprotected. The fabric is not suitable under the nails, friction, pressure, contact with the environment. A man without toe nails pain. Wearing shoes is torture. Doubt and complex appear.
To cure onychomycosis is more difficult, as the fungal diseases of the skin. The nail plate be thicker, and its base lies in the interior of the Dermis. The fungus is able to distribute their disputes, to resolve the difficult, even with powerful drugs
How to detect nails the problems with your finger?
Mycobacteria are only in the upper layer of the plate. On it, you can notice bright dots and spots, slight heterogeneity of the structure, the noticeable lack of natural luster.
The process of the development of nail fungus
In the second stage, the infection penetrates into the nail. This is the change of its color, shape, structure. The nail plate layers, compacted, loses its elasticity and becomes brittle. When trimming the nail breaks and crumbles.
The third Phase is marked by the complete change in the structure and appearance of the nail. He is white, yellow or greenish, loses its transparency. The slab is often thickened, the crop is difficult. The shape of the nail bed changes – there are ledges and humps. In the last stage, other signs of a fungal infection – itching, pain and burning, cracking and hangnail occur skin, on the nail. Often mushroom "crawling" on the skin and nails in the vicinity. In this case, the dryness, itching, and Hyper-keratosis appear on the sole and between the toes. In the absence of adequate treatment, damage to the Matrix of the nail, and he dies and falls away.

Onychomycosis more easily treatable in the early stages of development. In order to notice in time changes in the nail plate, for a pedicure, better use varnish. Weekly, a "Revision" of the toe nails – should be considered carefully cut, apply the new layer of paint.
Start nail fungus treatment as early as possible. In the ideal case, with the date of the occurrence of stains. The dissemination of the spores of the fungus over the entire nail plate homeopathically on the speed of your growth. The affected nails grow slowly, what also complicates the process of treatment. Nail cured a healthy can be considered after 1-2 months after the complete replacement of the plate. The longer the process of the regrowth, the more important is the cost of the therapy.
For the selection of the medication, a doctor should be consulted. In the treatment of fungal infections the dermatologist. The expert estimates the extent of the neglect of onychomycosis and prescribe specific analyses. The laboratory, scrape the affected nail helps to identify the type of fungus and its sensitivity to antifungal agents. Treatment with certain drugs, guaranteed cases, the complete destruction of the infection and prevention of return. If you are using the medicine incorrectly, its application has no effect. Under the guidance of the skin doctor and the treatment is faster and more efficient
The process of drug treatment is to be monitored. During the application of preparations of the fungus is able to adapt itself accordingly to acquire resistance (resistance). Weak drug is only "will calm down" the infection. Visual healing does not preclude litigation of infection remained in the plate. Once a Person the treatment, the fungus will stop re-enabled.
Treatment of onychomycosis requires the use of means of the local actions. Solutions, Ointments, Gels, Pastes, Varnishes. They act on the surface of the skin and the nail plate, fungal killing. In advanced cases required the application of fungicidal agents systemic effect capsules or tablets. Sometimes in the combination therapy of vitamins and stimulants of immunity are.
Drugs or conventional medicine: what to choose?
Practice of the folk medicine recommend dozens of different recipes against onychomycosis. Often food, herbs, and pharmaceutical agents from the group of antiseptics are. Such "medicines" have no fungicidal action. You are not able to kill the fungus. In the context of the possibilities of the Folk-stocks – to prevent its propagation. This makes it possible to grow a healthy nail plate. But inside, the spores of the fungus, the tears after the end of the treatment.

Application popular recipes of onychomycosis only to be used in the first Phase of its development. In the case of the advanced Form of treatment is very long and leave no lasting results.
For the treatment of nail fungus, you should use a special Dry pick-up. But the modern pharmacy offers a variety of medium – fungistatic and fungicidal substances, broad-spectrum. Some of them are able to kill more than 10 varieties of mushrooms at the same time. With the aim of preventing chronicity onychomycosis, in the course of the therapy to get better, the drug, replace 2-3 times. In advanced cases, local measures are not sufficient. A guarantee of a cure is the only holistic approach – the intake of tablets and use of outer drugs.
If treatment plan, medications to apply or not to bring the meds in regular intervals, the therapy will remain until the end – nail fungus where he was hurt. In addition, the infection is stronger and it's getting worse is influenced by fungicidal agents.
How to prepare the nail?
Treatment of onychomycosis of the big toe is quite problematic. Here is the largest, density, and thickness of the nail plate. On the large homogenous surface fungus, it multiplies and spreads faster. The affected nail is sometimes up to 5 mm thickness, which hinders the penetration of drugs.
Preparations for the treatment
Prior to application of medicinal products or means traditional medicine, the sick Co plate should be prepared in a special way:
- thoroughly wash the soap, the feet and nails with economic or antibacterial;
- you put your feet in a bowl of hot (bearable temperature) soda-salt solution (1 Liter of water, add 1 tablespoon of baking powder and 2 salt) for 10-15 minutes;
- wet feet personal towel;
- to the Maximum of the free edges cut off;
- sawn affected nail plate until the appearance of the sensitivity;
- dry the feet in the air and embark on the treatment of the medication.

Such manipulations need to be repeated weekly, until the whole of the affected part of the nail.
Before starting treatment, you should prepare a few pairs of new socks, a separate towel for the feet. During use you need to wash as often as possible, be sure to iron iron. Handy vial with formaldehyde, as well as the large packet of cotton wool. Before the start of therapy should be 2 lumps of cotton wool moistened in the solution, place it in shoes. Shoes need, wrap them in a package and implement it over night on the balcony. In the morning cotton wool and remove the shoes air for 2-3 hours. Such treatments weekly for continued. After the complete healing of a fungus normal room, and the shoes should be replace by a new one.
You choose the cure
Addressing in the pharmacy for antifungals, drugs to specific issues of nail fungus. Standard ointments and creams can not penetrate into the deeper layers of the nail. For the treatment of onychomycosis, preparations in the Form of solutions and special coatings.
Dilutions applied to the nail twice a day – morning and evening, according to the hygienic treatment of the feet. The medium was added dropwise to lunula (bright Phase at the base), and also under the free edge of the plate. In the first month of treatment, the treatment of the skin in passing on all the fingers and also the neighboring nails. Rinse or wash solutions are not necessary.
Therapeutic coatings applied 1-2 times per week. After the drying of the Mediterranean a dense layer is formed on the surface of the nail, the round-the-clock homeopathically against powdery mildew.
Treatment according to the methods a bit cumbersome. Some of the resources you need to prepare, for a certain period of time, cellophane covering, wash. Do all these procedures every day, 2-3 times per day. Below you will find the simple and cost-effective traditional methods of treatment of nail fungus.
- Tea tree oil. Antibacterial and antifungal activity. Can only be used with good tolerability. The ether in its purest Form. 3 times a day on the prepared nail. Drips on the base and under the plate. The treatment is continued until the complete regrowth of the nail.
- Iod. Pharmacy alcohol solution of iodine applied to the nail twice a day, complete the processing of its surface with a cotton swab. The disadvantages of staining of the plates and the skin around them.
- Vinegar. Apple or wine vinegar soaked lumps of cotton wool. Put it on the nail, a polyethylene, fix with a bandage or band-aid. Impact on for 3-4 hours, then remove the bandage and wash the remnants of the vinegar. In the treatment is to make sure that there are no burns on the skin. With good tolerability armband all night wear.
Other well-known medium – grated garlic, onion-honey mixture, add chopped Propolis and alcohol, a mixture of Aloe juice and light beige. All of these drugs can. in mild forms of the fungus Skin doctors recommend the use of natural remedies only to Supplement medical treatment.
How long to wait for the result?

The duration of treatment is an individual. The deadlines are dependent on the extent of the harm caused by the fungus, the courts, the weakness of the presence of complications in the Form of Tinea Corporis or immune. From a mild Form of the fungus on the big toe you can for 3-4 months. To treat deeper lesions about a year and a half. In advanced cases the therapy takes up to a year. Even after a full cure onychomycosis the risk of recurrence of the infection remains. In order to eliminate it, you have to preventive means, regularly and qualitatively the care of the feet.
In the case of excessive sweating you can use talcum powder, to be specific, the deodorizing means. Shoes Anti-fungal need to process change solutions, at regular intervals, insole, high drying out in the open. The same principles should guide for the prevention of onychomycosis. The key point – the use of individual shoes, socks, and towels in the common areas (bathroom, Sauna, swimming pool, Massage).
In order to heal started fungal infection folk medicine, it is important to know what to be afraid of nail fungus. The success of intensive therapy, clinical outcome depends on. The main thing – to stop the pathological process of propagation of the infection to stop a seizure. Productive to defeat nail fungus folk medicine, you need to go to a skin doctor and the diagnosis, crossing the intensive care unit